Minimally invasive spine procedures have revolutionized the way surgeons perform surgery. By utilizing several small incisions and effective ports that retract directly to the affected anatomy, surgeons can minimize blood loss while maximizing safety, efficiency, and accuracy of the procedure. One of the most popular devices used in these Minimally Invasive Spine (MIS) procedures is the bayonet kerrison. This instrument cleverly moves the surgeon’s hands out of line-of-sight with microscope for better visualization during intricate procedures. Minimally invasive spine surgeries provide several benefits for both doctors and patients. This would include things such as faster recovery times due to fewer incisions and shorter hospital stays overall. Minimally Invasive Spine surgery is quickly becoming one of the most used approaches when treating certain spinal disorders or injuries. It is without doubt an invaluable approach rapidly gaining popularity.

Utilizing a bayonet kerrison as an instrument arm allows surgeons to have a line-of-sight view when performing procedures. This helps create better visualizations of difficult-to-reach areas during surgeries. To further enhance this approach, several other instruments have been developed with the bayonet such as pituitaries, dissectors, probes, curettes, and retractors. Together, these tools enable surgeons to easily treat delicate anatomy without sacrificing patient safety or outcomes.

The importance of checking your bayonet Kerrisonโ€™s cannot be understated. Along with ensuring that the cutting edge aligns with the footplate and spring being in good working condition. Checking for sharpness and using magnification will provide a better functioning instrument. For surgeons who use bayonet Kerrisonโ€™s every day, inspecting the instrument correctly prior to each use is undoubtedly essential for patient safety and successful outcomes.